Reset & Revive

You Can Transform Your Life – John Chapter 21

In the book of John, Chapter 21, we find a story that offers us valuable lessons on the benefits of changing our behaviours. This chapter recounts the post-resurrection encounter between Jesus and His disciples and highlights the transformative power of His teachings.

In the story, the disciples, after witnessing Jesus’ resurrection, return to their former occupation of fishing. However, they catch nothing throughout the night. In the morning, Jesus appears on the shore. He instructs them to cast their nets on the right side of the boat, and when they follow his guidance, it results in an abundant catch. After breakfast, Jesus questions Peter three times about his love for Him, symbolically reinstating him after Peter’s earlier denial. Jesus then foretells Peter’s future and instructs him to follow Him.

There are several lessons within this chapter about how we can transform our lives if we change our behaviour. Let’s look at them:

Surrendering to Guidance:

This story reminds us of the importance of surrendering to God’s guidance and trusting His wisdom. When we let go of our limited understanding and align our actions with His will, we open ourselves to blessings and positive changes beyond our imagination.

Embracing Forgiveness:

In the chapter, Jesus reinstates Peter, who had denied Him three times before His crucifixion. This act of forgiveness demonstrates the power of grace and the opportunity for redemption. It teaches us that no matter how big our mistakes are, we can find forgiveness and a chance to start again. By embracing forgiveness, we can let go of guilt and shame and allow transformation.

Cultivating a Servant’s Heart:

In the chapter, Jesus instructs Peter to “feed my lambs” and “take care of my sheep.” This emphasizes the importance of serving others selflessly. By adopting a servant’s heart, we shift our focus from self-centred desires to the needs of others. We learn that a life of purpose and fulfilment is found in serving and caring for those around us. This behaviour change not only benefits those we serve but also brings satisfaction and meaning to our own lives.

Embracing a Life of Purpose:

Jesus instructs Peter to “Follow me.” This call to follow Jesus represents an invitation to live a life of purpose. When we align our behaviours with the teachings of Christ, we discover a higher calling and a sense of direction. By seeking to emulate His love, compassion, and righteousness, we can transform our behaviours to reflect His character and positively impact the world.