Reset & Revive

Lessons From Abraham And The Pharaoh. Genesis 12

In the book of Genesis, we encounter a fascinating story that sheds light on the significance of being honest with oneself and always doing what is right. The tale of Abraham and the Pharaoh is a timeless reminder of the transformative power of acknowledging our true selves. Let’s delve into this ancient narrative and explore the valuable lessons it holds for us today.

Abraham, a man of great faith, embarked on a journey with his wife, Sarah, to evade famine. As they entered Egypt, Abraham, fearing that the Egyptians, seeing how beautiful Sarah was, would kill him so that they could present Sarah to the Pharaoh as a wife, asked Sarah to say she was his sister. She did this, and the Pharaoh, captivated by Sarah’s beauty, took her into his palace, unaware of her marital status. As a gift for letting him marry who he thought was his sister, rather than having Abraham killed, the Pharaoh showered Abraham with livestock and riches.

However, divine intervention soon followed. God sent plagues upon the Pharaoh and his household, revealing the truth about Sarah’s identity. Realizing the gravity of his mistake, the Pharaoh confronted Abraham, questioning his dishonesty and lack of integrity. Ultimately, Abraham and Sarah were released, and both the Pharaoh and Abraham learned a valuable lesson about the importance of honesty.

The Power of Honesty:

Authenticity breeds trust: Abraham’s decision to deceive the Pharaoh not only jeopardized his integrity but also eroded the trust between him and the Pharaoh. Similarly, when dishonest with ourselves, we undermine our own self-trust and hinder our personal growth. Embracing self-honesty allows us to build a solid foundation of trust within ourselves and others.

Doing What Is Right:

Abraham did what he thought was right. In presenting Sarah as his sister, he saved himself from death and allowed the Pharaoh to believe that Sarah was unmarried and, therefore, suitable as a wife. In the same way, we often do what we do not want to do and convince ourselves that we are doing it for the right reason. We may take a job we don’t like because it will help our family’s finances. We may sacrifice our happiness and stay in a loveless marriage for comfort or ease. Rather than doing what is right, though, what we do is wrong for the wrong reasons. Ultimately, if we are not honest with ourselves and others about what we want, we cannot work to put them right, leading to disappointment, frustration and unhappiness for ourselves and those around us.

Sacrificing Happiness for Security:

Abraham put self-preservation above happiness. He did not think through the implications of his actions, and although he became wealthy and safe, he lost what he feared losing anyway: his wife. Often, in the need to ensure our safety and security, we continue to sacrifice our happiness. Denying our true identity hinders our spiritual growth and delays our journey towards fulfilling our purpose.

Integrity Paves the Path to Success:

The story of Abraham and the Pharaoh teaches us that dishonesty may yield temporary gains but ultimately leads to undesirable consequences. On the other hand, integrity and self-honesty pave the path to long-term success and fulfilment. By aligning our actions with our values and being true to ourselves, we create a solid foundation for personal and professional achievements.

The story of Abraham and the Pharaoh is a powerful reminder of the importance of self-honesty. We can unlock our true potential and lead a more fulfilling life by embracing authenticity, self-awareness, vulnerability, and integrity. Let us learn from Abraham’s journey and strive to be honest with ourselves, for it is in this honesty that we find the key to personal growth, meaningful connections, and lasting success.