Reset & Revive

Everlasting Footprints

One of the key chapters in the bible for me about how we can open up to growth is in the new testament, 2 Corinthians Chapter 5. Although the central theme of this chapter is about the difference between our life on Earth and our life in Heaven, this chapter of Paul’s letter is filled with some incredible lessons about how we can grow whilst still on Earth and leave everlasting footprints on this planet we call home.

Embrace a fresh start

This chapter reminds us that we are made new in Christ. It’s a beautiful reminder that no matter what we’ve been through, we can start afresh and leave behind any burdens or mistakes. This doesn’t only mean when we leave this life and move to the next, but as we leave one day and start another. Let’s embrace the new beginning each day offers us with open hearts and minds.

Walk by faith, not by sight

We all face challenges and uncertainties in life, but 2 Corinthians 5 encourages us to trust God’s plan and promises. Remember that our faith can guide us through any storm, even when things seem harsh. Believe in the unseen and watch miracles unfold.

Be ambassadors of love and reconciliation

This chapter emphasizes the importance of spreading love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Let’s be the light in this world, showing kindness and understanding to everyone we meet. Our actions can make a huge difference in people’s lives, so let’s choose love over hate, unity over division, and compassion over judgment. Together, we can create a more harmonious and loving community.

Live with an eternal perspective

2 Corinthians 5 reminds us that our time on Earth is temporary, and our true home is in Heaven. But just because our time on Earth is fleeting, it does not mean we will not leave a lasting legacy of our time here. So, let’s not get too caught up in worldly possessions or temporary setbacks. Instead, let’s focus on building a legacy of love, kindness, and faith that will last for eternity. Our actions today can have an everlasting impact on this world.